For the past four weeks the biggest question has been, "when will Rob finally put his ski jacket in storage and revert to a lighter variety of outer clothing?" I played soccer last night in the rain in sub forty degree weather out on Roosevelt Island. I may swap my ski jacket for a large animal hide plus fur soon if the weather doesn't improve.
Pundits everywhere refer to Global Warming and its horrendous affects on the environment. I don't mean to challenge any expert on the subject but following one of the harshest winter's in New York history I am now more convinced about the existence of New York cooling. The climate has a profound influence over people's mood swings. The drearier and colder the weather the more miserable I certainly seem to be. After five months of consistent precipitation I am officially declaring that I am waving a white flag to Mother Nature. I give up. She has won hands down. I have never been so depressed about the weather here as I am right now.
I must openly admit that in the month of April,I have put my Spider Ski jacket away no less than five times already. It is almost a month into Spring and every time we get a day of glorious Spring sunshine, coupled with a gust of warm air from the South, my mood improves and the jacket gets retired. This false hope usually lasts a maximum of 24 hours until depression sinks in again as I reach deep into my closet for the aforementioned jacket. I have had enough. I am declaring war on New York weather. What happened to the four distinctive seasons we all used to cherish here? Springs and Falls were the best but now they seem to have meshed themselves into either a freezing winter and a scorching summer. On behalf of all New Yorkers I give an official warning to all weathermen and women who may read this. If you appear on T.V or radio and announce any more daytime temperatures below 35 degrees for the month of April, I will form a committee whose sole aim would be to banish you from New York City until next Winter.
It seems like I am faced with two choices. I can wear my spring jackets and freeze to death on the way to work or continue to be dressed for the tundra until it finally warms up properly and consistently. Living in New York City used to be so pleasurable because it wasn't too cold and was only too hot for a limited amount of time. Spring and Fall weather more than made up for the discomforts of the occasional extreme cold or hot climate. This is not the case any more. I now fear all weather forecasts. I dread getting up in the morning because I am petrified of precipitation. This may seem strange considering I grew up in one of the rainiest cities in the world but the difference is that this is what is expected when one lives or visits London ; not so New York City.
So here we are in the middle of April. The air conditioning units are being cleaned for use in May, the shoots of Spring tried to peep up out of the soil and say hello back in March but even they needed ski jackets. They couldn't survive the cold nights and so a whole blooming crop went to waste. Of course we will re plant again and again until we get flowers; such is the resilience of all things New York. So I will continue to wear my extra layers of clothing and protect myself until one day I will wake up in a complete sweat as Mr. Summer will arrive sending Mrs. Spring on her way without even giving her a chance to unpack and settle in.
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