I had family matters to attend to outside of the city. Actually it was technically outside of the country. I dashed up to Canada on Friday and returned on Sunday night. I wanted to be home in time for the handing out of bronze statues to famous people. Watching The Oscars in Canada doesn't quite have the same appeal as doing the same in New York City. At work this morning it was one of only two subjects discussed at the office. The other being the New York Knicks.
I was very eager to return home to New York City. I find it very hard to be away. I am not one who adapts easily to changes in my environment. I don't sleep well away from my bed, I get paranoid about not being able to return home, i don't trust other people's food and non New Yorkers tend to think and talk differently than we do. "But you are English," I hear you say. That may have been true some fifteen years ago but I now consider myself 100 per cent New York. I arrived at the airport a little early and changed my flight to one that left an hour earlier. I am very prepared for getting back to New York with as little hassle as possible.
I had already filled out the immigration card because i keep spares. I have a special pass that gets me through immigration without talking to an officer. They have an imprint of my eyes on file so all I have to do is look into a machine.
I have a credit card that gets me through the priority lane for the scanning of luggage. I only carry hand luggage. That same card gets me into the luxurious airport lounge for free and allows me to board the plane first. I fell asleep as soon as I sat in my seat and opened my eyes and looked out the window ten minutes before landing. This is what I saw when i looked out of the window and i took a photo. Why would I want to live anywhere else?